In 2006 Anna broke her back snowboard racing, pushing herself at what she loved best. Determined not to be defeated, Anna decided to become a Paralympic Ski Racer.
After 3 years training, Anna came 6th in the 2010 Vancouver Paralympics. Four years later she finished 4th, 6th and 8th for GB in Britain’s most successful Winter Paralympic Team in the 2014 Sochi Paralympic Games.
“I was disappointed to come home without a Paralympic medal. However to be part of an acclaimed team, to achieve Britain’s best result ever in Female Sitting Alpine Skiing and have the chance to showcase disability sport in the most widely broadcast Winter Paralympic Games ever is something to be proud of.” Anna
Anna is an athlete who brings ambition, energy and determination to everything she does.
I compete in the same disciplines as Olympic ski racers.
On the same runs, and the same courses.
I do it without the use of my legs.
For me, success at the Winter Paralympics 2014 was a huge personal achievement, and for all of us another decisive victory over adversity.
My journey from snowboarder to racing on the Olympic Men’s Downhill in Sochi at 65mph, via a few hospital beds, has been a roller coaster. It hasn’t been easy. Whilst my friends have been building careers, going on holiday, buying houses, I’ve been maxing out credit cards for my sport. Nevertheless, representing Great Britain was worth every blizzard, sore muscle, hour spent in the gym, months spent away from my husband.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to seize the opportunities I have been given. None of it would have been possible without my supporters. What a ride!
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Macushield are main sponsors of Anna Turney